Tutor On-Call Program
Get personal, 1:1 tutoring support that fast tracks you to better grades, and lets you:

Avoid your instructor's condescending eye roll (and exasperated sighs...) whenever you ask an honest question

Save time with expert advice, without having to watch endless YouTube videos or sift through hundreds of conflicting Google search results

Feel encouraged to keep going whenever nursing school gets rough (because it will!)

Receive accountability that keeps you focused (so you're less likely to avoid studying and clean the house instead...)

NEVER feel dumb for asking anything!

What's Included:

Direct, 24/7 Access to Nicole, a Professional Nursing Tutor with 12+ years experience, via Voxer (a free voice & texting app) VALUE: $600

VIP Tutoring Membership, included (current members, contact me after purchase) VALUE: $37


BONUS!!! 30-min Zoom Call with Nicole (to schedule anytime within 90-days) VALUE: $45

YOU get more personal attention (because I limit the # of students in this program!)

Contact information

Billing address

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Today's payment
  • Tutor On-Call Membership$197
  • Future payments
  • $197

All prices in USD
